Clocks For Clocks

5 November 2010

Time Spent Wasted In Meetings.

Yes. Time is wasted in meetings.

Especially when you already know exactly what your doing and there is no need at all for the debating, arguing and advice what so ever but its not like they are going to stop the nonsense any time soon and it would seem pointless to call an end for foresight of the fact that, that indeed might just make the situation worse so you ought to just let them shout and bawl and let yourself simply travel to a distant state, most likely thoughts of something far more important.

Perhaps the thoughts of rest, as I do so very often. I've grown restless in mind and physically somehow too, not sure how or why.

But I digress, that's irrelevant. Partly. Why does any thing here need to have any kind of relevance.  


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